Event in Slavonski Brod
Event in Slavonski Brod

How the STEAM WEEK 01.04.2022 was held in the premises of the Technical School in Slavonski Brod. As part of the “RCK Slavonika” project, the Institute of Entrepreneurial Education and Innovation (POI Institute) had the honor of being one of the participants, and to acquaint all participants with the plans related to the implementation of the BIOPLAnet project. The POI institute, with the help of a microscope that could observe the cells of the blue-green algae spirulina (lat. Arthrospira platensis), cells full of chlorophyll, and parts of mosquitoes adapted to this purpose, introduced those interested in the process of preparing bioplastics on an attractive tablecloth.


It is worth noting that the eyes of the public were attracted by two devices, one of which cuts plastic plugs into small fluffy pieces with a steel knife assembly while the other melts these pieces at a temperature of about 350˚C and turns them into a mass that is pressed into properly prepared molds.

It is an opportunity to emphasize how proud the POI Institute is to participate in this extremely important event as part of the "FabLab Slavonika" project team and thus contribute to a brilliantly organized event attended by a surprisingly large number of curious and future scientists.

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