As part of the BIOPLAnet project, the POI Institute organized a study trip to Barcelona on Wednesday, July 6, 2022. Considering the summer period, the weather was good and the representatives of the partner organizations, the Association for Creative Social Work, the Otok and FabLab associations, and the Faculty of Architecture had the opportunity to visit several very interesting locations, maker spaces, in the heart of Barcelona. Pre-arranged meetings were held with the hosts, Marc Bassó Ferber welcomed us in La Fàbrica del Sol, in Fab Lab Barcelona Guillem Camprodon told us about the beginnings of the creation of the creative space itself, past, current and planned projects, Matiás Verderau in front Soko Tech and Nada Tozi in front of TransfoLAB BCN briefly shared with us the experiences and ideas that arise in these spaces of exceptional creativity along with the tour.